The Pharmasoy Blog - All About Menopause and Women Empowerment
如何應對更年期:有助於緩解更年期症狀的生活習慣How to Cope with Menopause: Life Habits That Can Help Ease Menopause Symptoms
如何應對更年期:有助於緩解更年期症狀的生活習慣 How to Cope with Menopause: Life Habits That Can Help Ease Menopause Symptoms 在面對更年期時,採用自然療法的健康生活方式來緩解潮熱和盜汗等症狀可以很有益的。 在此,您會... -
以大豆為基礎的健康食品有助於舒緩更年期症狀嗎? Are Soy-Based Supplements and Diets Beneficial For Relieving Menopausal Symptoms?
以大豆為基礎的健康食品有助於舒緩更年期症狀嗎? Are Soy-Based Supplements and Diets Beneficial For Relieving Menopausal Symptoms? 更年期婦女在最後一次月經期後,可能會感到骨骼開始疏鬆。這可能使她們容易受... -
Understand Menopause and Get Yourself the Best Natural Menopause Relief Health Supplements
Just like how puberty occurs in teenagers, menopause is a naturally-occurring biological process that brings about a range of significant physical and emotional changes in menopausal women. Learning and understanding about menopause is therefore crucial to helping women, their family and friends go through the transition.
All-Natural & Herbal Supplements That Help Relieve Menopausal Symptoms
A significant portion of the side effects of menopause can be attributed to hormone fluctuations and surges. With a decrease in estrogen levels dur... -
Top Ten Foods to Eat During Menopause To Feel Better: Eat Foods Rich in Phytoestrogens
This article is for informational purposes and should not be taken as medical advice. Some foods may contain allergens that some people should not ...