以大豆為基礎的健康食品有助於舒緩更年期症狀嗎? Are Soy-Based Supplements and Diets Beneficial For Relieving Menopausal Symptoms?

Are Soy-Based Supplements and Diets Beneficial For Relieving Menopausal Symptoms?


Pharmasoy for menopause - are soy-based supplements and diets beneficial for relieving menopausal symptoms?



Menopausal women may feel their bones start to weaken after their last menstruation period. This may make them increasingly susceptible to health problems such as  weight gain, osteoporosis, and the inability to perform highly strenuous physical activity.

Pharmasoy for menopause- loss in bone density, osteoporosis in menopausal women


Experts are therefore constantly looking for alternatives that can help females stay healthy and fit even after the onset of menopause.


Soy-based menopausal health supplements and diets have gained popularity amongst menopausal women since many have found that soy-based menopausal health products help relieve hot flashes and bone-related concerns.


However, our question is: Are these soy supplements and diets effective enough to be relied upon? Continue reading to get your doubts cleared!

Are soy based products enough? Pharmasoy for menopause


Is Soy Effective Enough?


An experiment conducted by the team of experts at the University of Missouri found that soy protein in the diet has the potential to counteract the unwanted consequences of menopause, including the impacts on bone and metabolic health. Women who have not yet reached menopause can benefit from the protein found in soy which helps strengthen their bones.

此外,根據密蘇里大學營養與運動生理學教授 Pamela Hinton,即使是更年期女性也可以通過食用大豆食物來增強骨骼。她發現,以大豆為基礎的飲食還可以改善身體的新陳代謝功能,並有助於減少潮熱。

Furthermore, even menopausal women can achieve stronger bones by consuming soy-based whole foods in their diets, according to Pamela Hinton, Professor of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at the University of Missouri. She has found that soy-based diets can also improve the metabolic functioning of the body and help reduce hot flashes.


However, despite the fact that several studies have shown that soy can help strengthen the bones and lessen the intensity of hot flashes, one should still be aware that it may not work as quickly and dramatically as hormone replacement treatment.

以大豆為主的更年期保健品可能需要數週或更長時間才能提供所有的好處。根據 2015 年有關潮熱的研究,大豆異黃酮需要 13 週以上才能達到其最大效果的一半。傳統的激素療法需要大約三週就能產生相同的結果。然而,大豆異黃銅的更年期保健品的好處是它們是 100% 天然的,因此不太可能導致對健康產生不良副作用。

It may take several weeks or longer for these soy-based menopausal health supplements to provide their full benefits. According to a 2015 study on hot flashes, it takes more than 13 weeks for soy isoflavones to achieve half of their maximum effect. Alternatively, traditional hormone therapy takes approximately three weeks to produce the same results. However, the benefit of soy-based menopausal health supplements is that they are 100% natural, and therefore are less likely to lead to adverse side effects on health.

hot flashes - isoflavones - pharmasoy for menopause


This may explain why the prevalence of hot flashes and bone-related issues are found to be significantly lower in Asian countries compared to females in the United States, as soy is a mainstay in the Asian diet. The effectiveness of soy supplements and diet on one’s body, however, may differ from one person to another.  The efficacy of these soy supplements may also vary according to one’s diet, body condition, genetics, physical activity, and many other factors.


How Does Soy Work in Reducing Menopausal Symptoms?

isoflavones for menopause - soy for menopause- Pharmasoy

大豆含豐富的異黃酮,是種植物性化合物的一種,在人體產生雌激素中起重要的作用, 有體內雌激素的功能。

Soy is rich in Isoflavones, which are a class of plant-based compounds that play an important role in the production of estrogen in the body. These molecules behave like a lesser version of estrogen in the body.


Genistein and daidzein are the most abundant isoflavones found in soy. When you eat soy, microbes in your intestines break it down into their more active forms.

Hormonal balance -pharmasoy for menopause


As soon as soy isoflavones enter your body, they attach to estrogen receptors in the same way that estrogen does. Receptors act as docking points on the cell surface. On adhering to certain receptors, isoflavones mimic the effects of estrogen, thereby restoring the hormonal balance in the body.